Australian Pairs

Australian Pairs is back in 2025 on a Friday Evening.
Every Friday evening from 25th April until the start of Friday Night Triples

No need to book just turn up to play. £1.00 per person to play
Please arrive at 5.30 for a 6.00 prompt start

The Rules:

The game will be played over 12 ends. The game is played with two teams of two players. Players A & B and X & Y Each Team is chosen randomly each week (Similar to Rollup) Teams toss a coin to determine who will bowl first.

The First End

On the first end. players A and X bowl two bowls each alternately in the normal way. They then change ends with their partners. Players B & Y then bowl their 4 bowls alternately: All players then change ends again. Players A & X bowl their remaining 2 bowls to complete the end.

The Second End

Players B & Y then start the next end. which is played in the same way as the previous end. In this way all players have played as Lead\Skip on one end. and in the middle' on the other end. This process is then repeated until the 12 ends is reached.


At the end of the match the players on the winning team both receive 2 points. If the match is drawn after 12 ends all players on the rink receive 1 point each. The winner of the league is the player with the most points at the end of the season. If there is a daw the average number of points per game played will be used to determine the winner.


There will be a £1.00 to play fee each week. Refreshments may be be available after the match (Volunteers welcomed) . A trophy will be available for the league winner.


In the event of more players attending than rinks available, teams will be picked on a first come first served basis. However, those not able to play on a particular day, do not pay but will be awarded 1 point and given priority to play on the following week.