Malden Manor Bowls Club Malden Manor Bowls Club Malden Manor Bowls Club Malden Manor Bowls Club

  • 6 well maintained rinks
  • Competitive bowling
  • Free, qualified coaching
  • Growing Youth Section
  • Extended Clubhouse
  • Excellent changing rooms
  • Disabled facilities (and green access)
  • Many social activities
  • Licensed bar
  • Kitchen

Welcome to Malden Manor Bowling Club

For more news follow us on our FaceBook page

Eastbourne Saturday 27 July

The coach will be leaving from Manor Park (our club) car park at 9.30am. Please arrive by 9.15am.

Dress code is whites with club shirt. You can travel in mufti but bring uniform with you.

We will be playing rinks so only two woods needed.

Australian Pairs Mixed League

Every Monday Afternoon - 1.30 for 2.00 (Unless Notified Otherwise)

Only £1.00 to Play each week — Trophy For The Winner

Pairs chosen on the day

12 ends - Followed by tea and cakes

Play As Many Mondays As You Want or Are Able

Members News

Men's Captain v Vice Captain - Saturday 10th August 2024 - 1:30pm for 2:00pm

Please add your name to the sheet in the men's changing room if you wish to play

Coaching News

Practise Exercises and Tips

There are a number of Practise Exercises and Tips available on the coaching page

For more details on Coaching see Coaching Page