Green Etiquette
Basic Laws

Player positions and their duties


Practice Exercises

Blocker Shot
Jack Rolling
Positional Draw
Trailing the jack
Head Reading Workshop
Club Mini Marking Course


  • Our team of registered coaches are qualified to coach at all club levels
  • Introduction to bowls in an informal, fun environment
  • Structured practise exercises
  • Delivery analysis and problem solving
  • Individual and team coaching
  • Skill focused workshops
  • All ages, all abilities - singles, couples and families
  • Make new friends, play bowls, be active and have fun
Shirley Cave Wendy Dunne
Roy Gunn Pat Wye
Naresh Gurung Karen Stow
All members are welcome to attend coaching sessions and can use the opportunity, with qualified coaches, to focus on any specific areas of the game or to work on any delivery or other issues they have.